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The Future of Prosthetics

We are students from a Technology and World Change class (G22) in Singapore Management University, and this is a Group Web Presentation for our course. As we took on this web-report project, we sought to deepen our understanding of the different aspects of mind-controlled prosthetics. Before our research, we felt that mind-controlled prosthetics was merely just another limb for amputees with no impact on the daily lives of able-bodied humans. However, when we looked deeper while doing this project, we realized there's so much more to than what meets the eye! This web report would elaborate further on the potential on of such technology, as well as its applications in the real world.


Rather than simply be in awe of the current usage of mind-controlled prosthetics, we wanted to see its position and influence on the future. Our site thus contains the areas in which we felt mind-controlled prosthetics would have an impact on in the long run, in addition to several perspectives we hold about mind-controlled prosthetics! Our group has embarked on understanding mind-controlled prosthetic mainly because we were intrigued by this technology that was mentioned midway through our course. With curiosity getting the better of us, we decided to probe deeper into the wonderful world of mind-controlled prosthetics! 

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